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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is it just another day?

Today is the first day of the rest of your life? Hmm..... never really thought about that quote. Today is the first day in over 20 years that I have not got up at the crack of dawn (6:15am) and got kids ready and drove them to school. I still got up at the crack of dawn (ok, it is early to me) but my little boy got ready, got his back pack and drove himself to school, 11th grade in fact.

I feel like a new woman, or at least a slightly more liberated woman. Yeah, sure I still have to clean the house to make it look like I did not sit at the computer all day, but if you race around and use enough chemicals it will at least smell like you cleaned. Also, remember to leave the vaccum out, even if you did not use it, it will look like you did and someone will put it away impressed. Thse are some of the little things I have learned over the years that maybe could help someone else. Do not stress if the house is not perfect, it will not be 5 minutes after the backpacks have been dropped at the kitchen raided anyway. Have some fun, do what I did today, go to craft store and actually take the time to look at things in each aisle to see if you are inspired. Going to Goodwill looking for little statues of boy /girl twins and just rummage around and get a cheap vase. You are still alone with your thoughts and doing only the things you want to do.

Be the drive-thru queen, the bank, latte stand, cleaners, drugstore etc... all which can be done in your jammies. When the kids were little and we lived in Southern California, there used to be this drive-thru dairy. Did it ever come in handy? You, scantily clad in your flannel, just pulled up and the little man came out and asked you what you needed, all the while the kids were strapped in to their car seats screaming, he would smile and you could basically buy everything a market sells and just act like you had done a major marketing run. SCORE!

Now finished with my make believe chores (it is all in your head), I put aload in the washer and sit down and talk to you. I feel less guilty still, if the washer is running. Every day is a new day and if this one sucks, tomorrow will be better. Hold on to that thought.

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