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Thursday, December 16, 2010

12 Cars Wrecked, 11 Girlfriends Waiting, 10 Unemployment Checks, 9 Missed Child Support Checks, 8 Skipped Classes, 7 Gun Purchases for "Safety", 6 Visit to Grandkids, 5 Ambien Refills, 4 Promises to "Do Better", 3 Cancer Free Checkups, 2 Trips to Detox, 1 Loss of Grammy and a Partridge and Pear Tree?

Happy Holidays to everyone near and far.  I pray that this finds each of you in good health and happiness. If you find a smile and laughter in amongst each crazy situation, you will survive.  

Taylor, Austin and I are living proof.  It has been a helluva a year.  My health is the same, but I am alive so that means it has been a great year!  Taylor works in a paintball store, plays paintball again and hopefully will still be in college in January.  (He is considering a career change?)  Austin graduates in June from High School and is doing great.  He will be going to the Technical College here locally and says it is too expensive to leave home and he will live off Mom for awhile.  He has been nominated for scholarship for the school he wants to go to, so we are thrilled and pray he gets it.  

That means after June, I really and truly won't have a kid in public school?? What the heck? That is not possible.  I am sure I have been doing this forever?  

I applied for Disability at my Doctor's suggestion and I am awaiting a response, we will see?  It is dismaying to me that I am not well enough to work.  

Ryan and Marlen still live in Draper, Utah and are doing great.  They have my wonderful Grandkids which I know most of you groan because you see pictures of them posted daily.  OK, so I like to brag.  These are my gifts in life!  Jonnie is 3, almost 4 and a treasure!  "Gwama, come home" he tells me this week, while he is waiting for us to get there for Christmas.  Little Kylie is 16 months and a handle full.  Which I think Ryan deserves! She is adorable and is getting everything the world sells for girls in PINK! I never had a girl before, it is not my fault! 

I was lucky enough this year to go with my twin brother Patrick, to France and Ireland.  It was on my Bucket List to see the Eiffel Tower and Pat said "I will take you to France if you will go with me to Ireland".  Wow, it was so beautiful and a trip of a lifetime! 

Toughest part of this year and my life is that I lost my Grandmother at the age of 95 this year.  I know that she lived a long life, but she was the love of my life and my closest friend and I was never ready to lose her.  I was lucky enough to be with her when she passed away, but the grief I think you carry for a long time.  She was a beautiful lady and tough as nails.  

I guess I have to mention Greg? It is not an honorable mention I assure you.  He has totaled so many cars this year, lost 3 jobs, lives in a motel down the street, but is gainfully employed right now, (I mean this second (1:38 12/16/2010) and the kids do not speak to him anymore it is too painful for them.  What can I say, he has chosen a different life than we choose and we are moving on the best we can.  

So, tomorrow we are leaving to go to Utah and have a wonderful Christmas with all the kids and grandkids together and it will be a joy! 

 Next Year will be a "Joyous Year" and we will have tons to share! And I am sure you will too!


Julia, Taylor, and Austin


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