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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Six Cans of Paint on the Wall?

My metaphor for life......scary huh? After much thought I decided that this is what is wrong with me? Would it be better if it was "99 Beers on the Wall?" Hmmm.....

Before you make that decision, consider the following: Upon finding approximately 4 little dents in the dining room wall that no one has fessed up to, I decided to do a quick repair. A little spackle, sand, and paint and poof, good as new. Or so I thought......As I head out to the garage to choose from my lovely assortment of previous paint colors, Belgian Waffle, Crocidille Tears, etc....I cannot find the Sage.

"It was empty" number 3 son says, as he explains that he threw it away. "No problem" I am thinking as I head off to lowes (and you know how that story goes). The paint department has a huge assortment of little cards with colors of SAGE! Surely I will remember what I bought just 9 months previously, NOT...... Homestead Sage, Marsh, Provincial Sage, and the list goes on and on. I know what I like so I should be just fine to choose the one that I would have picked, I am thinking. So one by one I bring home this little "sample" can of paint and try it on the wall. Each one being just slightly WRONG!

My well intentioned friends say, "just take alittle piece of the wall with the color on it and they will match it for you". I am determined to do this right, but now I have even a bigger problem, painted spots of different colors all over my wall! When I go back for the 4th and final time, I promise myself. The goofy little teenager behind the paint counter says, "nope, can't do it". But he will assure me as he gets out the big floppy assortment of paint cards that "he can match it". It is terrible, but I wanted to rip his little head off as he explains to me that I can buy the "samples" and make sure it is right. I not so calmly tell this little pip squeak that this is the 4th time and I now have all these cans of paint that are WRONG!

I return home, growling to myself, with two colors of SAGE and start painting. Don't even say it.....They are WRONG! Thats it, I am done, no more. Now what in the hell do I do? Learn to draw a green mural? Maybe a large turtle swimming across a marsh? Leaves, lots and lots of green leaves. Putting down the paint brush and walking away can really help. And keeping the lights off in the dining room, maybe no one will notice.

When I look at these 6 cans of paint, I cannot believe it. Why didn't I stop before it got to this? What is wrong with me? I wanted to choke the little Lowe's guy.

It takes a few days before I figure out my solution. Get one large coffee can, open all six little cans of paint and dump them in and stir. NOW we have Sage? I then take my new "frog tape" which promises to never smudge, run, move etc...when I hit it with a paint brush, tape off the dining room from the living room. I will just treat it like 2 separate walls and this new combined color will just blend right in? The kids are kind of skeptical, but they know I am the queen of "make due" and will be doing it anyway.

So now you must be wondering what this lovely paint job looks like? Different, I am not ready to concede yet, so for right now it looks perfect! But come next week with a quiet day upon me, I may wander out to my favorite hardware store and see if the "pipsqueak" can give me a large paint of something, anything that is not sage green!

You should see the curtains?

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