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Sunday, December 27, 2009


Who is this guy and can I throw him off the balcony? All the woman that read this will gasp in horror and all the men will go, "Hmmm.. makes sense to me?"

Give me an break!

Has anyone ever said to you, "if you changed how you dress and change how you look, you might attract someone of the opposite sex to marry and take care of you?" ( I think my X was looking for his "get out of jail free card").

OK, I have to say it again....Give me an Break!

At my age, I think that it is probably, pretty much set in stone, unless they gave me bariatric surgery. And I know that ain't going to happen because that is where my cancer is and I am kind of partial to my lovely ponch. Whenever I have a surgery, I always ask, "Can I have a tummy tuck with that?", like it is French Fries at Mickey D's? Doctors have absolutely NO sense of humor on the operating table. They always give you that look of disapproval, over their glasses. God I wish they would joke in a stressful situation, because when I am stressed I can come up with a million one-liners.....

My Girlfriend just bought one of those gravity beds and you can lay upside down and I COULD get taller, but I do not think he was talking about that?

Face....hmmm....This same lovely nameless idiot says, "are those new glasses?" "yes", praying that he will keep his upbeat ego boosting comments to himself reply's, "oh, I noticed that they must be at least bifocals if not trifocals because the way they lie against your face, it accents your bags under your eyes. Gee thanks jerk face, I say to myself trying to get away from this obvious play on my affections? This face is mine, wrinkles and all, and I earned them all and I do not want to look permanently surprised. Besides then I wouldn't look like my siblings and that would suck.... We belong together.

I know if I lost 50 lbs, my boobs would shrink and my belly would hang down lower. Honest, I have seen really old people undressed. My cheeks wouldn't be so full and my eyes would sag and I am convinced I would look older. It is my twin with the "dewy complexion", not me.

Changing the way I dress, just makes me laugh harder. OK, OK...I am not a fashion plate, but I am ALWAYS comfortable! Just never thought that the clothes made the person? And I live in Bellingham for damn sakes! Anything goes....go to the market naked and they would ask you would you like "paper or plastic", that is it....The reason you grow older and become more comfortable with yourself and your values is exactly that, YOU GROW UP!

SO, it comes down to maybe, just maybe that person does not like you or they would prefer a much younger, cuter, hip version? Or MAYBE they are getting old and they cannot face it?

When you are watching old slides (yes, slides) and they say "look how smoothe your skin is, or isn't that girl cute" (funny huh)?

For a woman, this is like anarchy...come out fighting and take no prisoners! But remember I am a MATURE (old) adult and I can rise above?

Do men really think they do not age? Do they not think their bellys stick out or that they REALLY do have hair on their backs and growing out their ears? I am curious and maybe I should take a poll? Why is it that women have to keep everything held up (spanx etc..) and men just buy bigger clothes?

I believe that women are beautiful in all sizes and shapes, and with age comes grace...... Men grow older and wider and just yell "Can I have another beer with that"?

OR maybe, just maybe I just know a clueless one?.........NOW, should we address how you could change so that you could find a WOMAN to take care of you?

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