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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The New Beginning..or.The Jerk Left Us High and Dry?

As we all know it is always better to take the high road? To be the "better" person, to speak nice things or say nothing at all....then the reality of the situation hits you right between the eyes and you think,"this is a bunch of bull crap". As my head pounds from so much stress of how to provide for my two sons, one in high school and one in college and how to provide health care for myself upon learning that living with someone for 28 years does not insure that they will provide these things for you and your children, upon them running away.

I thought that running away was a high school prank that girls did when their parents would not let them date a pierced tattooed scary kid? (Taylor is not scary at least). 58 year old men DO NOT run away? Maybe I am naive, maybe this is more common than you think? If it is, please let me know, because people are keeping it really on the down low...... And if I was the 58 year old jerk I would at least moved to a obscure island where no one knew me and get a tan and drink mai tai's and acted like I was somebody.....not live in a dive hotel with every other old man without a home or jail cell and walk up and down a main street by the high school where your kids friends could see you. Have some compassion for your kid.

These days I think Hotels are expensive? So instead of paying daily and then asking me where are the children and I going to live when I have to let the house foreclose because you did not make the house payments and didn't bother to tell me, walk off the end of the earth (which is flat you know, dumbass) and leave a life insurance policy big enough to pay the mortgage so your OWN kids have a roof over their head.

How do you explain to these kids that have already watched the demise of their father over the years and made jokes about it to cover their embarrassment to their friends, that he is a selfish jerk who at this "golden age" had decided to put himself first? This is a joke right? He has put himself first, since the very first day he arrived on this planet and just now he has decided to say it out loud, that is the only difference.

So as we "pull ourselves up by our boot straps and march together in unison and sing "we shall overcome" I know that Taylor, Austin and myself will be proud knowing that we did it without any help from the Jerk, BUT we did it with help from our loving family and friends that have already showed us that this behavior is really and truly not how normal people are and we DO NOT have to EVER follow in his footsteps....

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