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Saturday, November 13, 2010

SNAPPED.......not like "snap..crack...pop..!

A friend of mine who was going through a pretty rough time and still seeing the "sunny side" of things, told me about this book, "Five Wishes" and suggested I read it. Wow! I was so surprised when reading it also at how simple is seemed to just start looking at these in a slightly different way, you felt more positive and positive flows started opening up around you.

I know that you are waiting for the "other shoe to fall" and me to make some smart remark, but really, I like the way it felt! Just maybe this guy was on to something? I know he had never met my X, or my other X, or lived my deliciously easy style of home life wavering between poverty and overabundance daily. But what the hell? Maybe, just maybe if we threw the "X out with the bathwater" and closed our eyes and clicked our "Ruby Red" slippers together and said over and over "we are not in Kansas anymore", we would be taken back to a place a sobriety and bliss?

You can see for yourself that any change comes from within and I really do not want to make the assumption that it can't be done. Because I think it can! And I do feel it for myself! And it feels great! It should be a mantra of hope for me and others...."I think I can, I think I can.."

Just remember that when you live with an addict, or used to live with an addict they are and always will be numbero uno! They know no other way! When they are getting sober it makes sense, to put their sobriety first, when they are a using narcissistic pain in the ass, I question that?

It does not matter that they have kids,wife, house, job, drugs and getting high will always come first. And they always sing the same old song.....I call it "Catch and Release". It is when they are not high on that given second, it means they are now SOBER! I know, I know.....what have you done for me lately?

I joke about "snapped" because there is a point where I want to scream to try to get through to someone who cannot hear me. How" dare" I go on a vacation when the addict is stuck in a hotel high, with no car, cuz he totaled it and I paid to have it towed away? How "dare" I not give him my car to drive because he totaled his car in a blackout and he has no insurance. How "dare" those kids not treat me with respect when I am calling all night long because I lost a car I do not even own? How "dare" I lost my debit card in a blackout and then think my kids took some money? How "dare" his X and his Kids and their Friends BUY him a car and deliver it to him so he has a way to his NEXT new job praying that he can keep it for more than 3 weeks until his next refill? Then who will SNAP first?

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