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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Now Dash away, Dashaway kids.....before mom calls the cops!

Do you sometimes feel like you have to recover from fun? Is it you are not used to having it or is it that your age dimishes your stamina? Interesting thought huh? I know some of you are young and carefree, no kids, significant other, husband, noose around your neck and just go at a pace of a roadrunner, but will it last? Lets ponder this thought.........

In a sanity survival guide sort of a way I would suggest meditation, long quiet walks and spending time reflecting and writing in a journal. NOW lets get real...alcohol, lorazapam, maybe even weed may help you to reflect even further? What really brings this to mind is the fact that the two boys I have at home, (16 and 20) make so much frickin noise at night, which helps the dogs to chime in, and of course invite some MORE friends over that act as stupid as you do! I am not lying, I am telling you the truth, last nights "sporting activity" was a large chain and a lock and they would tie each person up with it "Houdini" style and see how long it took them to get out of it???? While the idiots, oops friends, cheered them on. You can run upstairs and bury your head under the pillows, but you CANNOT hide from the noise. I said to the husband, "What the hell?" and he says "oh it is ok, the kids are just playing. I am not even going to ask what kind of drugs he is on......

I have tried many things to escape this noise, washer, dryer, blow dryer, chainsaw, nothing has helped. What is a girl to do? I have to admit I was glad to stop hearing the gross trash sex talk being whispered in the living room and thought, " Oh good, the kids are doing something more active?" God I am so dumb!

What do my wondering eyes appear, a minature sleigh and kitchen utensils. On Dancer, Prancer , spatula, spoon, strainer, and a knife. On Comet, Cupid, beaters, and cake cutter and dog bones to boot. Now dash away, dash away boys before Mother calls the cops!

It is starting to sound like I am Attila the Hun, but truly I should have had my children MUCH younger, before I figured out that "Spike TV", "MTV" and the "Speed Channel" would become the "Learning Channel" for my kids. I remember when they were young and I would leave the house for short amounts of time and worry constantly that I would arrive back home and there would be an ambulance in the driveway and the house on fire, now I will be the first one calling 911 and praying the ambulance gets their in time to pull the spatula out of my little darlings "ear"?

If for some reason this little tidbit of knowledge feels uncomfortable familiar? Remember you are not alone and between my new ear plugs, sleeping meds and my breathing machine, I sleep like a baby!

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