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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Day in Paradise?

I hope this update finds you all very happy and relaxed. Honest, I do, because I know how important those things are to your serenity in everyday life.

The Hardware Store, i.e, the place that I go to 3 times a day because Greg (The husband) refuses to buy everything at once. He thinks you save money if you just buy a little at a time. So if you need 120 square feet of ceramic tile, you buy 80???? Does that make sense, of course not? Julia will make the extra 2000 trips a year, to get shit the boys did not buy the first time. Yesterday as I was approaching my third trip, and getting cranky, the husband came home with a tile saw that he had rented at a different hardware store. The boys unloaded it and set it on the table on the back deck. Greg said, "they tried to sell it to me for $600.00!" Gee what a steal for one 12o sq. ft Dining Room. I shut my mouth (it happens sometimes) . The husband offers to go to the store for me to pick up the tile I did not get the first time. Whoa! Just as I got excited he said ''then the TWO of us can carry the tile out to the car '.

When we returned from our trip of romance, Taylor and Austin (sons) and 4 of there friends all set out at the back table looking at us strangely. As they watched (!) us unloading the tile, one says, "we have a problem". The house was still standing and I saw no smoke, all children were accounted for and I saw no gaping wounds? What's Up? "Teva (the sons LARGE dog) ate the electrical cord on the RENTED saw", whispered my middle angel child, and owner of the dog.
And not only had she eaten the cord she ate it down to the nub of the plug itself. Nothing you could repair, return unnoticed, nil. "Great idea," the husband says, "Mom will take back the saw before 8AM tomorrow so we do not get charged, tell the sad story, and then rent another one. Maybe they will feel sorry for her?"

Guess what? I am the idiot that got down there at opening at 8am and told them" charge my husbands credit card whatever it takes and throw another one in the back". At this point I just want to finish the tile floor and move on.

My idea of insanity and others may very? When you see your house torn up room by room, you are either crazy with potential of get rich quick, sell this house even faster, wealth. OR you are starting to see the forest through trees, and realize this may be your future life forever. A perpetual disorder that causes men and boys to think that they are Bob Vila and we are just one quick fix it from there on show. It feels more like Home Improvement too????

As I sit here contemplating my next get away, i.e. craft store, supermarket, looney bin, I can hear the music of the power washer blasting away the good and bad paint of my back deck. You think to yourself, Wow, this woman has it made, every day a new project, just what I have always wanted." Think again, the TILE IS NOT DONE YET!!

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